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Linux Server in Docker don't start
Assigned, NormalPublic


When i try to start the Linux Server in a Docker Container, i get following error:

== DayZServer
== ./DayZServer -config=/home/container/serverDZ.cfg -port=2302 -profiles=/home/container/profiles/ -BEpath=/home/container/battleye/ -freezecheck -dologs -adminlog -netlog  
Exe timestamp: 2021/12/10 15:19:14
Current time:  2021/12/11 11:58:44

Version 1.15.154355
	stack dump [1]  ./DayZServer() [0xd28f3e]
	stack dump [2]  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ : +0x14140 [0x7f064e4e2140]
	stack dump [3]  ./DayZServer() [0xa425a2]
	stack dump [4]  ./DayZServer() [0x9f8d1b]
	stack dump [5]  ./DayZServer() [0x9f8e71]
	stack dump [6]  ./DayZServer() [0xa07810]
	stack dump [7]  ./DayZServer() [0x5e51ab]
	stack dump [8]  ./DayZServer() [0x561a35]
	stack dump [9]  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ : __libc_start_main+0xea [0x7f064e002d0a]
	stack dump [10]  ./DayZServer() [0x5d6bfa]

I do not really know, because of this StackTrace, what happens.


Operating System
Linux x64
Operating System Version
Debian 11
Dedicated Server
Steps To Reproduce

Install the Server in a Docker Container

Event Timeline

gOOvER created this task.Dec 11 2021, 1:56 PM
gOOvER updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 11 2021, 2:04 PM
gOOvER edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
Geez assigned this task to dedmen.Dec 13 2021, 9:46 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.

I think I can further narrow down the cause of this problem. Basically, the server works in a Docker container. However, when starting the Docker container, it is possible to set the UID and GID under which the commands are executed within the container. If you use a UID and GID for which there is no user in the container, then the commands are executed under a user that has no user name. Instead of the user name, only "I have no name" is displayed. For most commands and programs this does not seem to be a problem but the DayZ server crashes when executed by a user who does not have a username.

Any updates to this?

The same situation im geting with docker container.
Pls, fix that issue, docker containers the best!

== DayZServer
== ./DayZServer -ip= -port=27090 -profiles=./serverprofile -bepath=./battleye -cfg=basic.cfg -config=serverDZ.cfg -mod="" -serverMod="" -noLogs 
Exe timestamp: 2022/04/10 11:14:34
Current time:  2022/04/10 11:56:51

Version 1.17.154707
	stack dump [1]  ./DayZServer() [0xd2de1e]
	stack dump [2]  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ : +0x14140 [0x7f8e76f4f140]
	stack dump [3]  ./DayZServer() [0xa3cba2]
	stack dump [4]  ./DayZServer() [0x9f285b]
	stack dump [5]  ./DayZServer() [0x9f29b1]
	stack dump [6]  ./DayZServer() [0xa01320]
	stack dump [7]  ./DayZServer() [0x5e7f1b]
	stack dump [8]  ./DayZServer() [0x5620d5]
	stack dump [9]  /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ : __libc_start_main+0xea [0x7f8e76a6fd0a]
	stack dump [10]  ./DayZServer() [0x5d974a]

DayZ Team dont care about Linux Server. Shame on them. But ok; Hosting Companie's pay more than users ;)