Title. While playing with BIS_fnc_unitPlay, I attempted to disable a vehicle's brakes by setting itself as its own tow parent, via the setTowParent command. Doing so didn't seem to work, which is understandable, but also had the interesting - and problematic - side effect of leaving a "ghost" vehicle behind.
These "ghost" vehicles will still show actions to get in, open inventory, etc at the last position where they were prior to deletion; opening the inventory shows its contents, but you cannot interact with anything inside, or deposit any items. Attempting to get into the vehicle is successful, however, immediately locking you in place and turning your screen black; this effectively softlocks your game, preventing you from using the "Get Out" or "Eject" actions (similar to being inside a vehicle with disabled simulation), though the moveOut command works correctly. Entering Curator works as intended, and will display your unit as the driver of a vehicle which shares a bounding box with the vehicle's last location prior to deletion. The vehicle cannot be added as a Curator-editable object, and in fact doesn't appear at all using allMissionObjects "", preventing it from ever being fully removed.