Would it be possible to get sqf commands to list and remove guard points please:
_list = allGuardPoints;//returns them based on their creation index/order - list contains strings named "#GP_ID" (_list select 0) setGuardPointPosition _position; expects a string named "#GP_ID" deleteGuardpoint (_list select 0);//expects a string named "#GP_ID"
https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createGuardedPoint creates no reference (despite the F1 command description)
Even the "guarded by" triggers dont list them. ref: https://discord.com/channels/105462288051380224/105462984087728128/902456275416264714
If you could get their reference, you can update the position or remove them when not longer necessary - both would add a lot of flexibility and make guard WP even more powerful 🙏