I own a private Xbox DayZ server(v1.13.154075) hosted by Nitrado and have some issues with crashes that are possibly related to my xml configuration or not idk.
The error in game: "No message received for X seconds..." appears frequently and seemingly without trigger then the server crashes. Either restarting or just shutting down into a stopped state. I am not able to replicate this by in game action it just happens randomly with any amount of players on it, could be 3 or full 32 doesn't seem to matter. Some devs told me it was DDOS some said they don't know why, I am leaning more towards my configuration or secondly maybe a real issue.
The errors from the server log:
"Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION at 1CEBBD94",
"Fault address: 1CEBBD94 00:1CEBBD94 Unknown module",
"Fault code bytes: 48 8B 01 FF 90 00 01 00 00 84 C0 74 7C 48 8B 07".
I have validated my xml files for errors and even shared them with other xbox server owners who are not able to find an error in my code or configuration so I am reaching out for further assistance. I have provided copies of my xml as well as the log file containing more error information.
I have reinstalled the server, coded very mild changes and even reductions of in game items and still happens. Nitrado has moved the code to another physical server multiple times without resolve. I tried replacing default xml files one at a time with my edited files and could not determine a fault but there probably is. I have contacted Nitrado Support on multiple occasions and they always recommend to migrate to a new physical server which doesn't fix it, then create a ticket that never gets resolved.
Please help.