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Arma 3 freeze/crash when open map (M)
Feedback, NormalPublic


(i am french so sorry for my English)
Since few day (and after 300 hour of Arma 3 more than 100 h with this computer) when i try to open map (M) the programme freeze/crash
I need to CTL-ALT-SUPP and with TAB switch off Arma 3
Sometime i need to restart my session to close Arma 3

The game inside work until i press M

nvidia driver : 466.63
SSD check ok
Integrity of files on Steam = ok
Normal version branch or Beta version branch : same result

See on steam forum some people with this prob


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Game Crash
Steps To Reproduce

First start Arma 3 launcher
Start Arma 3 without MOD with Launcher by default
Open and continue CAMPAiGN
Start if mission is new : Freeze on breifing map
If continue : freeze of Arma 3 when pressing M (Map)

Additional Information

Sometime it s work 1/10
Sometime i have crash report 2/10

Event Timeline

gothax created this task.Jun 6 2021, 2:13 PM
gothax added a comment.Jun 6 2021, 2:20 PM

I have two reports .zip if need :

have you tried creating new soldier profile?

dedmen changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jun 7 2021, 3:45 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.

Known crash bug.
Try switching to Profiling branch, it should already be fixed there

Hello BIS_fnc_KK and dedmen
Sorry profiling branch doesn't resolve the problem. I am desapointed
Try a new profil