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Dayz ladders and disconnects caused by server-restart or to high ping
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Version 1.11
Server: DayzNL 3663933 (Puplic)
Issue: Climping/ stayin on a ladder while get disconnected by poor connection or server restart

,,as i reconnected i just died of falling from the ladder. for my luck im a speedrunner that manages to get to my corpse under 30 minutes. it was pretty ruff because 1. the sun goes down, 2. the server setted a 30 minutes countdown for restart and 3, i just had an apple and a tunacan and no time for looting. I anyway made it, barly with the sun on the horizon and 5 minutes left on the counter and a yellow healthbar caused by starving"

but what if this happens again?

i exploring alot of watchtowers because i look for endgame content. It could happen.... any time. and now im aware of....i fear litaly watchtowers.
Slowly i grab the ladder when i start to climp i alrdy death?

to prevent that my items i horded over 50 hours now, that are so meanfule to me, that i care so much i not die from any cause,...i will record a private youtube video every week to record all the items i had and when i ever get killed by a >>disconnection slide fall<< thats how i call the issue now i can hopefule report to yours to get my items back like an insurance.

Is it possible to get save by record all items? can dayz admins see the cause of death and the disconnection in the files? is it possible to get a insurance when it happens again?

my NBC - Gloves slightly touch the cold steel from the radiotower.... im not sure bout this :D


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

MADARAHX created this task.Mar 1 2021, 11:16 AM
MADARAHX added a comment.EditedMar 1 2021, 11:19 AM

a record video could be like this:
so u see all the items i gathered.
and when i ever get killed by a watchtower again pls restore my items

MADARAHX updated the task description. (Show Details)Mar 1 2021, 12:04 PM