This would add a lot of flexibility to the vector commands.
Namely vectorAdd, vectorDiff, vectorMultiply, vectorDotProduct, vectorCrossProduct, vectorCos, etc.
Of course, the minimum number of elements should be 2 (or should it?). If one vector has a greater dimension than the other, missing elements can be padded with 0.
For example:
[0,0] vectorAdd [1,2] //[1,2] [0,0,0,0] vectorAdd [1,2,3,4] //[1,2,3,4] [0,0] vectorAdd [1,2,3] //[1,2,3] [1] vectorAdd [0,2,3] //[1,2,3] [] vectorAdd [] //[0,0]
The same concept can be applied to other commands as well (but some of them may not make sense or be useful for mathematical vectors, but that is up to the programmer to decide)