Hi there, im pulling my hair out ,to try to figure out, how to be able to use Optics PP effects/modeloptics params/ opticsinfo params, when the flag on the item is NVOptic=1; in the config.cpp
Whatever i try, as soon as the flag NVOptic=1; is there, and the item is in slot NVG, the effects disappear, and the default vignette takes over, rather than being able to load a modelOptics.p3d (binoculars one for instance) with a nice texture to be used instead of a Vignette.
I've tried everything from creating modded classes extending ,to new custom classes as deep as itemoptics /nvgoggles/poweredopticbase/.
I can use the item in hand with effects,however as soon as i attach it to a headstrap,all effects are gone
Can someone more educated then me,please shine a light on this?