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Building door lock state not persistent
Need More Info, UrgentPublic


Door persistency works to a certain extent, if a door is closed and the server restarts the door will be closed on restart, open and close states are persistent. But lock state is not persistent, once the server restarts if a door is locked and closed, the door only stays closed but the lock does not persist.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Lock closed door
  2. Restart server
  3. The door is now unlocked
Additional Information

I can write my own persistency as a work around, but this requires me to store all buildings into a mapped array, with the key as the entity ID, although there are a handful of buildings that do not have a scripted class, causing this workaround to have inconsistencies. How the work around works, is that I loop through each buildings and re-lock and door that was previously locked (from my own persistency file). This is extremely inefficient and inconsistent.

I wouldn’t mind having a serverDZ.cfg config option for door lock state to be persistent, if it’s an unnecessary overhead for the base game.

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jan 14 2021, 3:49 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello OfficialWardog.
This issue has been tested but we have been unable to reproduce it. The door stays locked even after server restart. Is there anything specific that could be triggering this issue?