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1.09 Inventory Glitch - Exchanging an item in your inventory with an item on the ground can cause that item to hover far over your head
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


IF you happen to be standing near a tree or near/in a bush and try to exchange an item on the ground with an item in your inventory the item that was in your inventory will now be unreachable high up inside the tree/bush. The only recourse is the cut the tree/bush down which leaves the item floating.

Apparently the same issue that previously left items UNDER the ground when exchanging can now can leave them high off the ground if you're near/in the foliage of a tree or bush ;)


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Build 18363
Steps To Reproduce

As noted you can use any items that can be exchanged.

For my example I found backpacks useful. As noted stackable items that have 'stacking space' available will just stack and not exchange.

  1. Place one backpack on your player's back
  2. Have the other on your person (holding, in inventory, doesn't matter)
  3. Walk into a large bush preferably one that is taller than the player. (see picture below)
  4. Drop the backpack that is not on your person.
  5. Drag the dropped backpack onto your character to exchange it with the one you're equipping.
  6. The items will swap and the bag you had equipped is now hovering over your head at the top of the bush.

-Only way to get your item is to cut the tree/bush down.
-I had this first happen while swapping between two vests but I've also seen it with pants and shirts.
-With a evergreen tree it often gets stuck 2-3 branches up (not sure about other trees)

Note this can happen with any items in the game as long as they're not of the same "stackable" type and still have "room" to stack (otherwise they'll just stack rather than exchange place).

They also won't happen if the item is in the players hands and or can be moved to another point on the character (for example if you you have a long stick in your hands and space for it to move the long stick will move to your back slot. However if you do the same thing and don't have space the stick will get stuck... In any case the backpack is one of the easier ways to get this to happen.

Additional Information

This is minor but it can be very very annoying if you don't have an axe and it happens with a tree...

This screenshot shows what it looks like after you cut the bush down if you exchange rags with a long stick.

Related Objects

Event Timeline

DaGreekGeek edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)
DaGreekGeek edited Additional Information. (Show Details)Sep 9 2020, 1:13 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Acknowledged.Sep 15 2020, 5:18 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you for the report DaGreekGeek.
This is a known issue and it is scheduled for a fix.