Calling BIS_fnc_animType with certain strings causes the logging of
Bad conversion: scalar
Calling BIS_fnc_animType with certain strings causes the logging of
Bad conversion: scalar
The following code was run to iterate over all possible animations :
_cfgStates = configfile >> "CfgMovesMaleSdr" >> "States"; diag_log "#########################################################"; diag_log "STARTING TEST RUN"; diag_log "#########################################################"; ("true" configClasses _cfgStates) apply { _move = configName _x; diag_log _move; [_move] call BIS_fnc_animType; }; diag_log "#########################################################"; diag_log "TEST RUN ENDED"; diag_log "#########################################################";
RPT (game was launched, code executed, and game was closed):
Can't confirm fix mentioned here. RPT is attached.
// productVersion ["Arma 3","Arma3",201,146950,"Diag",false,"Windows","x64"]