In 1.08 the below code was introduced into inventoryitem.c / class clothing / CanReceiveItemIntoCargo.
I dont fully understand the reasons for this. But it is causing issues with modded containers that have attachment slots for clothing.
For example, OP_BaseItems has a locker, with all the same attachment slots as a player.
But now, those items must be removed, before items can be put inside.
I would work around this myself, but the Clothing class is not moddable...
Could you please wrap this in a function that i can mod ?
I realize that there are other tickets for this same issue. But they are requesting you make Clothing moddable, which might be much harder than a moddable wrapper function IMO.
Thanks :)
override bool CanReceiveItemIntoCargo( EntityAI cargo ) { if (!super.CanReceiveItemIntoCargo(cargo)) return false; EntityAI hierarchyParent = GetHierarchyParent(); return !hierarchyParent || hierarchyParent.IsMan() || SmershException(hierarchyParent); }