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Cooking Pot - Weight with water is wrong
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After filling the Cooking Pot I lost nearly all my stamina. Its weight is around 2KG in the experimental I noticed a full Cooking Pot can weight around 20 KG plz do a hotfix!


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Fill Cooking Pot at the Waterpump

Event Timeline

liszca created this task.Jul 2 2020, 7:29 PM
liszca added a comment.Jul 2 2020, 7:38 PM

If the Cooking Pot is filled with only 76% everything looks normal. So weight does not behave linear to amount of water inside the Cooking Pot.

MollyMagoo added a subscriber: MollyMagoo.EditedJul 2 2020, 11:34 PM

Can concur its the same with water bottle but not to the extent of draining all stamina. Also the canteen.

Masgel added a subscriber: Masgel.EditedJul 3 2020, 8:40 AM

I had this happen to me when I experienced item desync along with it. Wouldn't allow me to do certain actions. Re-log fixed them both. Not sure about your case, though.

Its had it also with the coocking pot and jerry can.

Just empty it under 100% is a workarround.

Relogging may work but it then happens again when the container gets filled.