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1.08 stamina/weight Talon back pack incorrect
Need More Info, NormalPublic


The weight penalty for the Talon back pack is incorrect/bugged.
A full talon backpack operates normally until you relog.
The talon then applies maximum weight penalty (character has minimum stamina)
If you transfer the entire talon inventory to another pack character stamina increases to normal (therefore the contents are not applying the weight penalty).
Pick up the empty Talon (even with nothing else on the character) and stamina goes to minimum again (therefore the talon iteself is applying maximum weight penalty).
It is not water related. Even if the talon is dry and has never been wet.


Operating System
Windows 10
Steps To Reproduce

Experimental 1.08
Talon backpack, log off - log back on - stamina goes to minimum. change backpacks - swap inventory, stamina goes up.

Additional Information

This problem also happens to other items - Press vests, Hunter Jackets ect

Event Timeline

stum created this task.Jun 19 2020, 1:58 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jun 19 2020, 12:13 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello stum.
We have tested this thoroughly based on your report but we were unable to produce the issue. Are you able to produce this behaviour consistently across various servers? And if so, can you please send us a video of the issue?

stum added a comment.Jun 19 2020, 2:21 PM

This exact scenario has happened to me twice on 1.08 Vanilla on two separate servers (one Livonia and one Chernarus), and has happened to my friend also on Livonia, and it has happened to me once with the hunter jacket on Livonia. I have taken screenshots showing the results.

I have checked items are dry. On each occasion the weight penalty didn't display until after I had logged off and logged back on, but it remained everytime I re-logged from that point. (NOTE - I was in normal game play so I did not get a Talon backpack, log off and log back on immediately - I continued to play - so the act of logging off/on may not have triggered the maximum weight penalty - but in all 4 occurrences I have witnessed it has happened on the following game session - something else may have triggered the maximum weight penalty being applied).

2 x screenshots showing Talon applying maximum weight penalty

4 x screenshots showing Hunter Jacket applying maximum weight penalty


Geez added a comment.EditedJun 19 2020, 3:24 PM

This exact scenario has happened to me twice on 1.08 Vanilla on two separate servers (one Livonia and one Chernarus), and has happened to my friend also on Livonia, and it has happened to me once with the hunter jacket on Livonia. I have taken screenshots showing the results.

I have checked items are dry. On each occasion the weight penalty didn't display until after I had logged off and logged back on, but it remained everytime I re-logged from that point. (NOTE - I was in normal game play so I did not get a Talon backpack, log off and log back on immediately - I continued to play - so the act of logging off/on may not have triggered the maximum weight penalty - but in all 4 occurrences I have witnessed it has happened on the following game session - something else may have triggered the maximum weight penalty being applied).

2 x screenshots showing Talon applying maximum weight penalty

4 x screenshots showing Hunter Jacket applying maximum weight penalty


Hello Stu.
Was this on the version/s released prior to the yesterdays one? As yesterdays experimental update contained a fix for the Stamina issues.