From the Biki:
blacklistPos (Optional): List of blacklisted areas in format [area1, area2, area3... areaN] (Default: []). Area could be one of:
- Array - in format [topLeftCorner, bottomRightCorner] - top and bottom coordinates of blacklisted area
- Object - trigger area
- String - marker area
- Location - location
- Array - array in format [center, distance] or [center, [a, b, angle, rect]] or [center, [a, b, angle, rect, height]]
The last two alternate blacklist array formats appear to be incorrect. Using them returns a blacklist area not reflected by its parameters. The error(?) is in the extra set of square brackets around the dimensional params - [a, b, angle, rect]. If those brackets are removed, the blacklist is processed correctly.
Discussion on the BI forums here:
Either this is a bug, or a simple misprint/error on the Biki. I am assuming the latter.