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Launch error after last update/
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After the last update, when you try to boot from mods that worked flawlessly before the update, an error appears, followed by the crash of the game. This crash occurs in the entire community of our server, similar servers with mods also cannot work now for the same reason. When you run arma3server, the error is the same.


Operating System
Windows 10
Game Crash

Event Timeline

Astaroth closed this task as Resolved.Jul 26 2019, 1:06 PM
Astaroth claimed this task.
Astaroth added a subscriber: Astaroth.

this error and crash is caused by RENAISSANCE_RP. They have to fix on their side. We can't do anything about it. Could you please contact author of this mod?

I am an author. Can you tell me exactly what you found in the logs?

It seems a lot of addons have wrong inheritance setup & CfgPatches to begin with. One of the addons is wrecking completely

class CfgEnvSounds
    class CfgEnvSpatialSounds

and I would begin with trying to figure which addon is doing that exactly.

It seems a lot of addons have wrong inheritance setup & CfgPatches to begin with. One of the addons is wrecking completely

class CfgEnvSounds
    class CfgEnvSpatialSounds

and I would begin with trying to figure which addon is doing that exactly.

Thank. Fixed, it all worked.