This bug really ruins the fluidity and smoothness of DayZ gunplay for me.
When you go to ADS using click RMB, or SHIFT/MMB instantly when holding RMB
The transition to ADS is super janky, rough, fast, and non-fluid.
(since the gun is lowered it's super quick!)
When raising gun directly to ADS (using click RMB, etc.), the default view camera follows the gun ADS camera way to quickly, when it's still in the process of being raised
This makes it janky, clunky, and unpleasant for combat. I think the camera transition to ADS should be much slower, up until the gun is fully raised; so it feels more smooth & fluid.
Even in scopes, the speed of ADS is much too fast and unauthentic. There should be more inertia before entering the view of the scope, especially considering the weight of these weapons.
The transition out of ADS, especially within high magnification scopes like the PU Scope is once again super fast and janky. Especially when doing it in Third person view as shown below
A slower and smoother transition for all of these would be such a great QoL change :)
@Geez This is the biggest example of ADS speed times for transitions in/out that is the most frustrating
This along with the very sensitive weapon collision which points straight to the air, as soon as your barrel touches the wall is very bad design and annoying.
(it should be more gradual like EFT; where it the more the end of the barrel starts to collide with geometry the more inward/outward it goes out)