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1.0.150183 - Ghost Magazine Stuck In Gun (sg5)/unable to remove
Assigned, NormalPublic


The issue occured on the most recent experimental branch and thus on official servers.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Steps To Reproduce

The gun was found in it's bugged state with an empty 15-round mag attached in the menu/vicinity, however NOT on the 3d-model.

Attempted and failed workarounds:

  1. Dragging magazine off the gun in hands (mag can be dragged but remains inside gun once it's released)
  2. Pressing and holding a hotkey with another mag (full 30-round) - no action
  3. Dragging magazine from gun on the floor and also right side of inventory (mag is inaccessible/locked when not in hands, as it should be)
  4. Dragging the full magazine (30-round) on the gun in the "combine window"
  5. Dragging the full magazine (30-round) on the gun on the bugged ghost 15-round mag
  6. Trying steps 1-5 with after chambering a round (which was possible)
  7. Pressing "R" to rack the bolt (which was possible) and attempting steps 1-5 afterwards

Event Timeline

Did encounter same thing on latest stable branch.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jan 16 2019, 5:16 PM

@Geez Spawned after patch 1.0150408 inside Staroye Military Base, with the sg5 that was baseline for this ticket. I tried the same manipulations but the result is the same as was reported in this ticket. Walking into the next best tent revealed a freshly spawned sg5 on a table. It also spawned with a 15-round ghost magazine and showed the same symptoms as the one that had been baseline for this ticket. Perhaps the something is wrong with the spawn-setup for the gun?

@Geez Just found another spawned sg5-k with a 15-round mag, so it seems to be a problem with it spawning with a 15-round mag. In the next tent there was one that spawned with a 30-round mag and that one was fully functional.

freerider3434 changed Category from Server to Scripting.Feb 7 2019, 10:53 AM
Removed: Chance to spawn SG5-K with 15Rnd magazine

From Changelog

@Geez it's means what 15Rnd mag not spawn with gun in the future?

@PR9INICHEK I assume this is a hotfix. I understand they haven't been able to fix the bug so they just temporarily removed the chance for it to spawn with the 15-rnd mag, so it will only be spawning with either no or 30-rnd mag, for as long as they haven't figured it out. I like the decision. This way you can be sure every sg5 you find is functional.

The problem is that the magazine was an MP5 magazine..

@Geez I've recently come across a CR-carbine that had a ghost magazine such as the mp5 described in this ticket. Haven't come across a bugged mp5 in a long time though.