Since 1.86 update, mission loads but AO marker does not generate thus interrupting the rest of the script.
This is the error thrown per .RPT file:
11:37:19 Error in expression <s, rectangular _this, -1]};
if (_this isEqualTypeArray [[], 0, 0, 0, false]) e>
11:37:19 Error position: <isEqualTypeArray [[], 0, 0, 0, false]) e>
11:37:19 Error isequaltypearray: Type String, expected Array
11:37:19 File A3\functions_f\Misc\fn_getArea.sqf [BIS_fnc_getArea], line 30
It should be noted that BIS_fnc_getArea is NOT called anywhere in the user mission. Line 30 is the updated line in 1.86.
On the server, I replaced JUST the new "fn_getArea.sqf" file in "functions_f.pbo" with the previous version and the mission runs perfectly. All other 1.86 files do not effect the mission.