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Base Building Watchtower
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Youre unable to build up the first layer / foundation after placing the Watchtower kit. Youre able to build all walls but not the foundation even with all materials in it.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

robde created this task.Nov 9 2018, 7:53 PM
S4MT3K added a subscriber: S4MT3K.EditedNov 11 2018, 7:28 AM

With your Shovel in hand, stand DIRECT on the Logs ;) You should see Create LEVEL 1 Base. Reproduced on 4 diffrent places with diffrent PC´s. Can be closed.

PS: when u dont see the Trigger go 1st Person and aim a little bit.

Alternative you can go on one edge of the "ropes" and stand with your back to the logs. press "alt" to look around (move head only) and aim for the logs. Works the best :-D

But you are able to Build the 3rd layer/walls before the 2nd is done lel. (All walls on ground are builded) and you must stand direct in the middle of the watchtower and look Straight down to build the lvl. 1 floor aka. base roof :-/. I mean when you know it its no problem, but it tooks me 3 hours from now to build a watchtower, and im only done with the base. So maybe bigger triggers? Or just mention it in a status report (please do not rewrite mechanics. You broked all my mods :-P and i had to rewrite it) Greetz S4MT3K

Yo, what's the deal with you spamming that email-address on all tickets?