With the surrender emote, it's currently binded to both laying down and surrendering.
This makes you lie down at first, but when you crouch and stand up, you're in the surrender emote
Please make it F'2 again, like old DayZ, most important emote IMO, should be one of the first F keys you can access, use, and remember (or else you got everyone saying "PRESS F5, PRESS F5" instead of "PUT YOUR HANDS UP")
Also, the emotes being binded together cause for lag, allowing you moving while lying down
When you go crouch you are rubberbanding, and you can move a lot (not supposed to)
When standing you are also rubberbanding, and can barely move
When Prone, you should also be able to move your body around, but maybe not forward (only for standing) because being prone would be the worst in surrender especially 1pp (just facing one direction, can't even look behind 1pp)
*p.s* When crouched in surrender, it's really inconsistent whether your character will move your knees when moving your mouse to look around, or if it will just slide when looking around (like .62)