The following error is generated each time I expand an entry in the configuration editor - but only if I do so from the debug console in a running multiplayer game. I don't know if it will take place in a single player game. It's a real annoyance because the script error covers the configuration editor information, forcing me to wait for the error window to fade.
14:39:33 Error in expression <bData } else { call compile _lbData; }; _configPath }; case "textPath": { > 14:39:33 Error position: <_configPath }; case "textPath": { > 14:39:33 Error Undefined variable in expression: _configpath 14:39:33 File A3\functions_f\debug\fn_configviewer.sqf [BIS_fnc_configviewer], line 1025 14:39:33 Error in expression <l bis_fnc_configviewer; _configValue = [_configPath,_lbData,""] call bis_fnc_ret> 14:39:33 Error position: <_configPath,_lbData,""] call bis_fnc_ret> 14:39:33 Error Undefined variable in expression: _configpath 14:39:33 File A3\functions_f\debug\fn_configviewer.sqf [BIS_fnc_configviewer], line 873