During our weekly large-scale FTX (aprox. 60 players against Zeus-generated OPFOR), we (again) experienced an issue which caused the server to grind to a halt and ultimately caused us to abandon the mission.
One of our Zeus operators was remote controlling a unit.
When that unit was killed, no body was left behind.
At the same time, the server RPT started getting spammed (hundreds per second) with the below errors:
"21:21:12 Unit O Charlie 3-3:4 (0xdcea0180) - network ID 6:580 - no person"
"21:21:40 Server: Network message 4ce2bd7 is pending"
(obvious variation on message IDs etc in the RPT)
The logged-in admin noted the server FPS dropped to 0, and it basically never recovered.
Perspective from one of our Zeuses is here:
In this clip, you'll notice that the teleport attempt which immediately follows has a huge delay between moving members of the group, and radio chatter turns to people reporting tech issues etc.
I'm currently seeking additional footage from Zeus' in case there is any additional information to be gleaned.
What I'm looking for really is answers to one, if not both, of the below:
- What causes this? Both in terms of the body not being created when the AI was killed and the knock-on effect of the server dying; and
- How can we fix/avoid/work around this issue?
The RPT itself is over 70MB.