Bug 1: M5 sandstorm's reverse camera faces the wrong way (CORRECTED)
Bug 2: T-140 Angara has no reverse camera (CORRECTED)
Note speed. This affects both versions
Bug 3 (Merged): AMC Nyx has reverse camera flicker. Affects all variants
Bug 1: M5 sandstorm's reverse camera faces the wrong way (CORRECTED)
Bug 2: T-140 Angara has no reverse camera (CORRECTED)
Note speed. This affects both versions
Bug 3 (Merged): AMC Nyx has reverse camera flicker. Affects all variants
PS: Also for multiple issues make separate tickets, thank you.
I have the same flicker on the screen in the Nyx as you.
It might be related to a report I placed about Varsuk interior texture flickering.
Hvymtal, could you check the Varsuk gunner/commander seats for this flickering?
Since Wulf is not able to reproduce it, it might be a specific hardware issue.
Sorry for late reply
I'm also having minor texture flickering in the Varsuk
AMD Firepro W7000 4gb
Wulf u running AMD or Nvidia?