The alternate syntax of this command doesn't work.
Ex: cursorObject setdammage [1,false];
returns a generic error, waiting for number instead of array.
cursorObject setDamage [1,false] works.
The alternate syntax of this command doesn't work.
Ex: cursorObject setdammage [1,false];
returns a generic error, waiting for number instead of array.
cursorObject setDamage [1,false] works.
Script or debug console. Just try the setDammage command on an object with the syntax array.
Thank you for the report. I am testing this command right now on the public build and everything is working as it should, no generic error occurs.
Arma III ver: 1.80 vanilla
Open editor, Tanoa map by default
add a player
add any vehicle (mine was HEMTT fuel but that doesn't matter)
run preview
in debug console:
cursorObject setDammage [1,false]
OK, understood, the debug console proposes setDammage command for auto-completion of the command. setDamage works with alternate syntax but not setDammage. You should remove this old command or make it same as setDamage.
in rpt file:
10:45:38 Error in expression <cursorObject setDammage [1,false]>
10:45:38 Error position: <setDammage [1,false]>
10:45:38 Error setdammage: Type Array, expected Number
10:45:38 Error in expression <cursorObject setDammage [1,false]>
10:45:38 Error position: <setDammage [1,false]>
10:45:38 Error Generic error in expression