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Still Battleye initialization failed after 1.80 Hotfix
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Hey! when this Tac-Op's DLC came out a week ago, I've had quite big problems with just Battleye because on some servers i can join but others do not get up with this battleye initialization failed when I try to connect to a server.

Then 2-3 days later, a Hotfix 1.80 came out, but it did not help a lot, but I and even more have continued problems with battleye initialization failed. Is it something you're working on?


Operating System
Windows 7 x64
Error Message

Event Timeline

Riskzone created this task.Dec 7 2017, 9:16 PM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.Dec 8 2017, 9:37 AM

Try disabling/reenabling Battleye in Arma 3 Launcher. It could also be the server's fault that you are trying to join.

Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Dec 8 2017, 9:49 AM


Hmm, does the issue occur with both 64 and 32 bit version? Could you please test it and let us know?

Also try checking you Firewall if it isn't blocking specific ports.

Riskzone added a comment.EditedDec 8 2017, 2:34 PM

@dedmen, I have trying that but no luck. :/

@Wulf This issue occur whit 64 and 32 bit, the firewall is not blocking anything, but when i go Through the logs, I found this.

16:18:19 BE connection with remote machine could not be established. Error=3
16:18:19 Warning Message: BattlEye initialization failed

Wulf added a comment.Dec 11 2017, 12:55 PM

Could you please let us know which exact servers you are not able to connect to?

Riskzone added a comment.EditedDec 11 2017, 1:31 PM


This is the server i can not connect to

Name of the server : [SWE] | Custom XP-system | Legosoldater |

And half of the players can not connect to the server, and the people who can connect, but they are sometimes kicked out by Battleye