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after 1.78 update i recive those errors in my server
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17:06:53 Warning Message: Embedded skeleton Building in 'cst\cst_residential\structures\house\sara_domek_zluty.p3d' has different [ bones count ] in different p3d files. Skeleton/model 'ca\buildings\misc\kbud.p3d' will probably not work correctly.


Operating System
Windows 7
Game Startup
Steps To Reproduce
  1. started server
  2. joined the server
  3. getting the error
  4. server is restarting after the error

Event Timeline

zagroid created this task.Nov 30 2017, 7:35 PM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Dec 1 2017, 10:07 AM


Thank you for the report. Are you using any mods? What mission are you using?


Thank you for the report. Are you using any mods? What mission are you using?

i'm using cup mods, i also contacted cup modders they told me next:

The map that you are running along CUP Terraisn - Core is conflicting with our models because the creator of your map is using the same as we do. He has to give his models and model.cfg enties unique names that do not match the names in CUP. We are currently investigating this issue.

i'm using Esseker map so, i think they will fix the problem but i'm not sure, the problem happens almost on any map that contain cup buildings and stuff like that, but i still don't get it why this happens after major arma 3 update