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Dart Drone Dont Folow Waypoints
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Hi, since the beggining of the game i have the same issue. (SINCE 2013!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

They improve the camera shake but the bug with waypoints of the Dart drone remains the same.

Here is the link of another report of the same bug, but i think the guy designated to investigate it has DIED! Because he doesn´t log in since 2016, so, there is no hope for it.


its almost useless the drone. it just keep spinning and doesn´t folow the waypoints in multiplayer

I will not lose more time trying to explain it, because its all there, in that post.

All i want is to reopen the discussion to find a solucion for that simple problem to solve it.

For my team the drone is the base of our gameplays, and i aways have to designate somebody to operate it manually and i lose one man in ground for it. That really piss us off....

Its just the dart, the other drones are just fine.

I will not spend more money in arma until you guys fix it. All i see by bohemia now is the focus on the DLC´s to bring more money in, but i dont see the return to improve the game problems...


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)
Steps To Reproduce

To reproduce is simple, log in a multiplayer server with a lot of combat going on, and players.

Take the AR-2 Darten and operates it, keep setting waypoints, try to change altitude and give it some long travels.

95% of the time it will just ignore the waypoints and start to spin around sometime...

I dindt found any reasonable reason for it to starts or stop. Because sometimes it just go back to normal and operate just fine.

Operating more than one drone seems to improve the chances for the bug appears.

I think its something to do with the altitude keeping of the script, because in rought terrains below it seems to happen more often.

Additional Information

its simple to corret, its possible just one line of the script is in conflict.

Event Timeline

Mendes19 created this task.Nov 29 2017, 8:04 PM