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Campaign: Crossing Paths - Secure Agios Cephas
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Saw that T74051 was closed as "Unable To Duplicate". I have included a saved game:

I am inside the village while the rest of the team is outside. I moved into the building before being ordered to. When the order came, I did another sweep, but the team remained outside. The task never went to "completed" and the team stayed on the road.

Reloaded (with the included saved game) and moved away from the buildings, and went in when the order came. This time the task was completed.

Is there a trigger when I "enter" the village, that is not activated since I am already inside the village when the order comes?


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Purchased the game a few days ago, zero mods installed.

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Event Timeline

Galinet created this task.Nov 26 2017, 10:31 AM
Wulf added a subscriber: Wulf.Nov 27 2017, 4:11 PM


I am unable to reproduce the problem in the game, could you please make a video so that we can see what you specifically did and upload it here?

Also, thank you for the save, we will have a look at it.

I have tried to reproduce the problem but could not. Gotta love those hard to reproduce bugs!

Maybe the problem was that every enemy soldier had been killed before the order to "clear the houses" was given?

To expand on my actions, I had traveled on the left side of the road and hid behind the last little boulder, in front of the 2 story building. Probably killed the one in the far left hourse and moved beside the 2 story building, on the right side. That's where the saved game picks up. Then I believe I killed the guy upstairs, the one in the shack behind and the 2 in the "long" building". Then came out to see my team lying on the ground on the road near the "left" building.

Encountered the same problem.

My solution was to shoot my teammates and that makes the soldiers start moving and slowly the team leader and his troops moved across the road.

Then the "clear the house" correctly completes.