I want to report that the weapon sway in this game totaly ruins the game, it's completely unbearable to use any weapon with such sway, especially on RCO scope and breath held. This is a total bullshit. I watched a video from 2014 and see that this guy has no recoil whatsoever. Why did you ruin the game like that?
Another issue I have, out of hundreds on my list, is that sometimes the game opens in a ridiculously small resolution, everything is so big so I have to restart the game.
Another issue, in campaign mode, I have such choice of weapons: MX, MX, MX, MX, MX, MX and MX. Why did you do that? Why did the guy in the above vide could have F2000, and I can't? This game is not worth half of its price because it's an absolute bullshit.