- Smoke effects have been tampered with in the latest update. Smoke effects need to be reverted back from previous updates. Smoke effects start off normal when a vehicle is burning, but abruptly reduced into a tiny smoke trail which doesn't look normal. The smoke trail tries to build back up but randomly is reduced causing an overall visual glitch.
- The original smoke effect looked perfect with a solid trail of smoke that builds up and gently disperses in the air.
- Helipad lights randomly doesn't produce a glow it used to have in the past. The helipad lights blink with a low light and no glow which makes them useless for spotting. Sometimes the helipads produce a light and glow, but for the most part don't when you start or restart a mission.
- Originally the helipad lights always produced a glow and solid lighting effect which was very useful for landing and overall spotting from a distance, especially at night.
- Burning Barrel fire and campfire burning lighting is too low. Light source is high above the burning object. Light source must be lowered to the actual object to give off a proper ambient lighting effect.
- Originally campfire and burning barrel lighting looked normal and light source or perfectly attached to the object. Producing proper ambient lighting at night.