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Tactical Shirt (0.62.140525)
Need More Info, NormalPublic


I have a Black tactical shirt, it says it is "wind proof and water resistant" but I went from wet to drenched + cold with it while raining.
Is this intended?


Operating System
Windows 7

Event Timeline

cs_wolf created this task.Jul 22 2017, 3:17 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Jul 24 2017, 2:05 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello cs_wolf and thank you for the report.
Have you checked specifically what was the wetness status of the item itself by any chance? As currently the system works the way that water resistant items cannot get past certain level of wetness (for example, the tactical shirt did not go over damp even when the character is fully submerged in water during our testing), but also, the status shown on character is calculated by combination of wetness from all items that are present on the character + the character wetness itself. This can add up to drenched status when wearing the shirt with combination of less water resistant items.

I just checked the status of each part of item.


So if I dry myself with a fire then go into the rain I should not get wet, right?
Can I test it this way?

Ok so I dried each part of clothing and item, then ran in the rain and got to the "Wet" global status and everything Damp status, but the rain stopped. I will wait until it rains again to see if it goes further than wet

If 1 of your item will be WET and 150 items will be DAMP your status indicator will show the highest one - WET.
So it works good. You cant get WET on tactical tshirt....

You got wet on armband and pants - thats mean you will see Wet in status indicator.

cs_wolf added a comment.EditedJul 24 2017, 3:34 PM

If 1 of your item will be WET and 150 items will be DAMP your status indicator will show the highest one - WET.
So it works good. You cant get WET on tactical tshirt....

You got wet on armband and pants - thats mean you will see Wet in status indicator.

I re-tested it as shown on the comment, and got to "Wet" GLOBAL status.

cs_wolf added a comment.EditedJul 24 2017, 3:40 PM

"Geez wrote:
status shown on character is calculated by combination of wetness from all items that are present on the character + the character wetness itself. This can add up to drenched status when wearing the shirt with combination of less water resistant items."

So maybe I just got "Wet" status because of accumulation, so everything should not get past "Damp" status, too bad the rain stopped to see if it would go further, but I understand now :)