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Laser Guided Artillery screws each time
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Problem appears on the scenario I've created to play together with friends.
The problem is following:
If you lase the targer (e.g. car) via Laser Designator or any device that has a laser (SDV, commander's turret, doesn't matter) and request an artillery support with Laser Guided shell, it doesn't hit the spot that laser highlights. Even pushing the "Lase Target" button - it doesn't work.
I've tried different distances, wind conditions - no difference at all, the shell falls bloody far from the spot.
Tried creating "empty scenario", i.e. just player with Laser Designator, artillery system and dummy targets - works fine! What could be problem? Is it that the scenario is just too big? It doesn't seem logic..
It happens with the RHS mods. But on the same time if it is an "empty scenario" even with RHS objects - everything works good.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
AI Aiming / Shooting
Steps To Reproduce
  • Create a huge mission (add a lot of objects)
  • Add a specific target (e.g. AA-vehicle)
  • Create a soldier with a laser designator (you as a player)
  • Add an artillery (In my case - Sochor)
  • Settle the request support/provide modules
  • Try to destroy the target with laser guided shell

Event Timeline

necrous created this task.May 24 2017, 2:26 PM

Tried more different variations - no sense at all. There are no links or connections on what is the key points for shell to hit the spot - it's absolutely RANDOM! It can either hit or not the laser point. What's wrong with that?

razazel claimed this task.May 26 2017, 11:01 AM
razazel changed the task status from New to Reviewed.
razazel added a subscriber: razazel.
This comment was removed by razazel.


thank you for the feedback.

I have tried to reproduce the issue using a simple scenario as described above, everything seems to work just fine.

"Lase Target" option is intended for Rangefinders (hand-held and turret ones), it however does not mark the target with the laser, using the laser with laser designator is still using LMB.


thank you for the feedback.

I have tried to reproduce the issue using a simple scenario as described above, everything seems to work just fine.

"Lase Target" option is intended for Rangefinders (hand-held and turret ones), it however does not mark the target with the laser, using the laser with laser designator is still using LMB.

Thanks for answering!

I tried different combinations on whatever is possible to change during the scenario - wind, distance, different laser designators and still it is not clear to me what is the problem.
Still can't get it:
If you start a simple scenario (just SPG, target, player) - everything DO works fine. But when you try the specific one - laser guided shells screw.
At some point I thought that AA-vehicle is somehow capable of reflecting the laser - so far the bomb falls. Then I thought it couldn't go that far with the development of Arma 3 assets.
I can record a video for the better understanding of what exactly happens, if you require me so.
Can it be some problems with laser going on a big distances from SPG? Or is it a shell itself?
It really makes me irritated each time :/

Would you mind uploading the mission so I could try it out?

necrous added a comment.EditedMay 26 2017, 2:24 PM

Would you mind uploading the mission so I could try it out?

Sure thing, here you go.
I also uploaded two videos of me trying to hit the target. Once or twice I actually have made it, though I didn't get it HOW exactly.. it seems absolutely random for me. Maybe you have a solid proper working way on how to make it right so the shell hits the spot with 100% probability?

Btw I have been experiencing that right after the Jets DLC update. Before that it worked perfectly. - via SDV - via sniper with laser designator

Any news so far? One guy commented one of the videos saying he's facing the same problem, also right after the update.

mik added a subscriber: mik.EditedJun 6 2017, 9:50 PM

Before 1.70 the laser shell was "working": was locking on any vehicle in the splash area, also without laser, as the guided shell was doing.
In 1.70 laser shell and guided shell are acting like normal shells.

@necrous Do you perhaps have a vanilla mission as well?

@necrous looking at the video's again, when you were trying to destroy the bunker, you missed first time as you fire the laser too late. The shot did not have enough time to adjust its trajectory.

Same with the military post tower, the shot flies for ~45 s and will drop in a larger radius, if you do not guide it properly long enough it won't have enought time to adjust (you lased the target 5-4 seconds to impact)

@necrous Do you perhaps have a vanilla mission as well?

Nope :/ But I'll do that then to check this with the same ammount of objects from vanilla, that will take some time...

@necrous looking at the video's again, when you were trying to destroy the bunker, you missed first time as you fire the laser too late. The shot did not have enough time to adjust its trajectory.

Same with the military post tower, the shot flies for ~45 s and will drop in a larger radius, if you do not guide it properly long enough it won't have enought time to adjust (you lased the target 5-4 seconds to impact)

Yup, those cases were made with a purpose - I was trying to understand does the order of the process matter.

OK then, I will check it with the vanilla version and record new video. Also a question then arises - when do I have to lase the target? At what point, how many seconds before the incoming?

Before 1.70 the laser shell was "working": was locking on any vehicle in the splash area, also without laser, as the guided shell was doing.
In 1.70 laser shell and guided shell are acting like normal shells.

Absolutely right! Even guided shells do not guide properly...

So, a lot of time passed, though even with the newest updates the problem hasn't been solved.

I made a Vanilla version of the same scenario, even without any kind of scripts such as ear plugs, whatever.
And it didn't work. The problem is still the same - the shell falls wherever else but not on the laser spot.
I attach the scenario here, so you can try it out yourself. If you want I can record a video again, but before you ask that, please, specify the correct way of shooting the laser guided shells. I mean what to do in what order to avoid anu misunderstandings of the process.

Thanks in advance!

Hey there, any update so far?..

It seems even newer updates haven't solved the problem still :/

mik added a comment.Dec 29 2017, 8:01 PM

Problem fixed in 1.78, laser and guided shells are working correctly, at least in the editor :)

razazel closed this task as Resolved.Jan 2 2018, 11:03 AM
razazel changed Resolution from Open to Fixed.