in the Unsung mod we use useractions with functions to realize functionality such as lowering and raising wings. Since the 1.68 this is broken as the 'this' variable seems to point to the user instead of the object.
From config.cpp:
class wingsdown { shortcut = ""; displayName = "<t color='#199bf0'>~ Lower Wings</t>"; position = "pilotcontrol"; onlyforplayer = 0; radius = 5; condition = "( ( (player == driver this) && this animationphase 'wingfold_left' > 0.9) or ( (speed this > 5) and this animationphase 'wingfold_left' > 0.9) )"; statement = "[this] spawn uns_a6_fnc_wingsdown"; priority = -1; showWindow = 0; };
if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; params [["_plane", ObjNull]]; systemChat str _plane; [_plane, "lower", false] call uns_a6_fnc_wings; _plane
if (isDedicated) exitWith {}; params [ ["_plane", ObjNull], ["_mode", "lower"], ["_instant", false] ]; systemChat str _plane; if (_mode == "raise") then { _plane animate ["wingfold_left",1, _instant]; _plane animate ["wingfold_right",1, _instant]; _plane animate ["wing_knob",1, _instant]; _plane animate ["wing_knob_ind",0, _instant]; } else { _plane animate ["wingfold_left",0, _instant]; _plane animate ["wingfold_right",0, _instant]; _plane animate ["wing_knob",0, _instant]; _plane animate ["wing_knob_ind",1, _instant]; }; _plane