As I said, Japanese scripts in Bootcamp Campaign/Some of VR Training/Karts and few more (language_f_bootcamp, languagemissions_f_bootcamp, language_f_kart and languagemissions_f_kart), are totally silly, unreadable, just bad.
Here are some of it in languagemissions - just few of Bootcamp campaign things.
- General
- Use "%" (em-sized) but not "%" so format cannot show texts correctly.
- Different translation for Names both of person and city
- In EPA(STR_A3_CfgIdentities_MacKinnon) "マキノン", in Bootcamp "マッキノン"
- In EPA(STR_A3_CfgIdentities_Akhanteros) "アカンテロス", in Bootcamp "アクハンテロス"
- In map(str_a3_kavala0) "カヴァラ", in Bootcamp "カバラ"
- In map(str_a3_syrta0) "サイトラ", in Bootcamp "シルタ" or "シルテ" especially this makes confusion.
- Silly translations for some words
- "How copy?" translated as "どうやって?" which means "How should I (do it)?" should be "了解か?" or "いいか?" - the second one is featured in EPA.
- "American" translated as "アメリカン" or "アメリカん", especially the second one it totally silly, should be "アメリカ人"
- Completely mistranslations for "Over." and "Out." - they translate "Over." as "以上。" which means "Out.", "Out." as "行け。"(Go.) or "出ろ。"(Get out.)
- "Over." is translated as "どうぞ。", "Out." is translated as "以上。" in EPA.
- "Greenbacks" translated as "グリーンバック" or "グリーンバックス" - and as I said in str_a3_boot_m05_45_aftermath_lac_7 translated as "ドル紙幣"(dollar bill) omfg
- This is translated as "グリーンバックス" in EPA.
- This is small thingy... but "1-2 Actual" => "1-2アクチュアル" hmm this is not bad but also not so cool.
- In Apex, "Northstar Actual" => "ノーススター・アクチュアル"
- Not unified translate for leader - "..." or "…" especially str_a3_boot_m01_05_turn_on_ada_0
- "…" is used in EPA.
- Some of sctipts overlapped period (。。) - e.g. str_a3_boot_m02_70_hold_breath_ada_0, str_a3_boot_m04_bis_roe_desc
- Mistranslations of single scripts
- str_a3_boot_m04_03_checkpoint_ada_1
- "It's coming up on 20 minutes since their convoy was supposed to pass through there." => "部隊がここを通過してから恐らく20分経っている。"(The convoy passed here probably 20 minutes ago.)
- This is totally mistranslation, pretty polar!
- "It's coming up on 20 minutes since their convoy was supposed to pass through there." => "部隊がここを通過してから恐らく20分経っている。"(The convoy passed here probably 20 minutes ago.)
- str_a3_boot_m02_d01_hello_world_ada_1
- (Yeah, )"Right?" => "右?"(Direction of right)
- str_a3_boot_m05_briefing_execution_text
- "1. Await <marker name = 'BIS_reinf'>the reinforcements</marker>.<br/>2. Report in with Broadway." => "1:待て<marker name = 'BIS_reinf'>援軍</marker>。<br/>2。ブロードウェイに報告しろ。" as you can see "Await" and "the reinforcements" translated each parts.
- Its not so serious thing but "1." and "2." are "1:" and "2。"
- "1. Await <marker name = 'BIS_reinf'>the reinforcements</marker>.<br/>2. Report in with Broadway." => "1:待て<marker name = 'BIS_reinf'>援軍</marker>。<br/>2。ブロードウェイに報告しろ。" as you can see "Await" and "the reinforcements" translated each parts.
- str_a3_boot_m05_d01_hate_ada_0
- "Hearts and minds, Sergeant. Hearts and minds..." => "心です、軍曹。心か..."(It's a mind, Sergeant. A mind or...)
- I don't know how to translate it - but this is not for it. Should translate as "Calm down-" or some appease words?
- "Hearts and minds, Sergeant. Hearts and minds..." => "心です、軍曹。心か..."(It's a mind, Sergeant. A mind or...)
- str_a3_boot_m05_05_situation_ada_0
- "Multiple KIA. AAF and FIA. The survivor didn't make it." => "複数KIA。AAFとFIA。生存者はそれをしなかった。"(The survivor didn't do it.) "The survivor didn't make it" means "He's gone(dead).", so this is not the translation for it.
- str_a3_boot_m04_bis_secure_desc
- "Secure %1the convoy's position%2 in preparation for incoming friendly reinforcements." => "優しい援軍に備えて%1部隊の位置%2を確保しろ。" 優しい means friendly, kindly
- str_a3_boot_m04_x05_wounded_player_lac_0
- "We've got wounded over here!" => "我々は負傷している!"(We are wounded!)
- str_a3_boot_m04_70_move_up_ada_0
- "Move up! Stick to cover! Watch the trees!" => "上に移動!カバーから目を離すな!木を見ろ!" "上に移動" means "Go (vertical) up", "カバーから目を離すな" means "keep an eye to cover".
- str_a3_boot_m03_115_right_1_ada_0
- "Take the right coming up." => "来る権利を取る。" "権利" means right, claim, title
- str_a3_boot_m02_bis_assemble_desc
- "Run to %1the target%2 and assemble it." => "%の1theターゲット%2に実行し、それを組み立てる。" ... I just can't believe it
- str_a3_boot_m02_briefing_situation_text
- "Peacekeeping efforts continue in The Republic of Altis and Stratis following the Civil War. <omit> " => "平和維持の努力は南北戦争以降 <omit>" "南北戦争" means "American Civil War (1861-1865)"
- str_a3_boot_m04_01_start_bhq_6
- "There's your ride." => "お前の車だ。" "車" is "a car", not a MH-9 or a helicopter.
- Some of texts are inconsistent styles - there are few examples
- str_a3_boot_m03_x50_closed_map_2_ada_0
- "Conway, stop messing around. Show us your map." => "コンウェイ、ふざけるな。地図を見せてください。" "-ください。" means "- please?" this is not the style for angry
- str_a3_zone_restriction_warn_has_leader_ada_0
- "Sergeant, where are you going?" => "軍曹、どこへ行くのですか?" "-ですか?" is polite style for question
- str_a3_boot_m02_x25_long_3_reprimand_ada_0
- "Sergeant, seriously, it's just in front of you. By the fence." => "軍曹、本当に、目の前ですよ。フェンスのそばに。" "-ですよ" is polite style for point
- str_a3_boot_m03_x50_closed_map_2_ada_0
- str_a3_boot_m04_03_checkpoint_ada_1
For honor of translator (maybe not exist but), here is a nice and the coolest translation in langagemissions.
- str_a3_boot_m05_45_aftermath_lac_5
- "The hell it is! Corporal, arrest them." => "あるに決まってんだろ!伍長、あいつらを逮捕しろ。"(Of course it is! Corporal, arrest them.)
- Maybe use "拘束"(usually used by government, law, or military) instead of "逮捕"(used by police) to more cool.
- "The hell it is! Corporal, arrest them." => "あるに決まってんだろ!伍長、あいつらを逮捕しろ。"(Of course it is! Corporal, arrest them.)
I spent all my energy to create this - but wait, there's more! Shit, I am tired and can't do it anymore... - Maybe they are all translated by Google or other machine translation service - these are just few of them.
I quote Adams' script to end this feedback.
but this guy? This guy's a special kind of fuckwit.