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Crashing after a period of play
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After playing the game for an hour or so the game crashes locking the PC entirely. Originally I thought it was a heat issue but monitoring heat seems that this is not the case. Also can happen after less time has passed. Usually preceded by frames locking every few minutes and then the game completely locks up along with the entire PC forcing a hard reset.

First experienced this on the early exp. build of dayZ 6.0 however it has persisted into stable.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Play the game for a bit.

Additional Information

Running 2 SLI'ed 750ms (nvidia)

In case this was not apparent from the DXdiag attached however, the issue seems to also happen with SLI off.

Event Timeline

Shagohad updated the task description. (Show Details)
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Feb 1 2017, 1:25 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Shagohad and thank you for the report.
So if we understand correctly, the game does not crash but it does freeze and prior to freezing there are fps drops? If so, we are aware that such issue can occur and it is scheduled for a fix. If it is possible, could you check your resource monitor the next time the issue occurs and let us know if there are any changes in your cpu/memory usage from usual gameplay?

Hello Shagohad and thank you for the report.
So if we understand correctly, the game does not crash but it does freeze and prior to freezing there are fps drops? If so, we are aware that such issue can occur and it is scheduled for a fix. If it is possible, could you check your resource monitor the next time the issue occurs and let us know if there are any changes in your cpu/memory usage from usual gameplay?

Hi Geez,

I guess it is a freeze, and yes that sounds about right, awsome its getting fixed! However the freeze locks me out of any computer functions, is there some software I could use to record these things that would save/make a dump file, when the PC locks up and has to be hard reset?

Also from reading patch notes will I be able to know when the issue has been resolved? Just want to make sure I can check in on it without just manually testing every patch to see if it crashes as it seems a bit hard on my PC to be reset like this.

Cheers, Shago

Geez added a comment.Feb 2 2017, 12:33 PM

Hello Shagohad.
Unfortunately there is nothing you can do for us if the whole computers locks up. As for your other question, I will update the ticket status once the issue has been resolved. Also, can you let us know if the issue persists even on the stable version that has been released yesterday?

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Assigned.Feb 2 2017, 12:34 PM