Often, the tank AI-commander is not able to finish his voice command and then the voice command is stuck and the AI-commander repeats the same thing, an infinite number of times.
Example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNLzgY9LPwQ&feature=youtu.be
The only way to end this is to kill your own commander or close the game. It is a not small nuisance for gameplay.
This bug can be linked with the "Repair comand" and "Get In Vehicle command" If the squad of AI tank commander has a such units as - Repair specialist or Engineer, then the commander will order them to repair the already destroyed tank! In the this cases, the Repair Specialist/Engineer can't make repair of this tank (because tank destroyed!), but the commander won't stop his request. We know, that the AI won't sit in a damaged or destroyed vehicle, but the commander continues his voice command.
What we have in this issue:
The commander ordered - "repair vehicle", but subordinate cannot do this, because vehicle already destroyed
The commander ordered - "get in the vehicle", but subordinate cannot do this, because vehicle can be damaged or even destroyed