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Character randomly wiped.
Acknowledged, NormalPublic


I logged off to change to the server my friend was on, and when I got on I was a fresh spawn. I tried joining a few more servers to check if it was just a problem with that server but I am a fresh spawn on all of them now.
I would be very grateful if you could tell me what happened. My Steam ID is: STEAM_0:0:61146766


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

rolandx created this task.Sep 25 2016, 4:25 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.Sep 26 2016, 1:07 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello rolandx.
Is it possible that the server has been restarted prior to you joining it? As currently there is an issue when players join the server right after it has been started up, before it has connected to the character database, the server will be unable to load the character from the database and a new one will be created in its place. Also, you have mentioned that you do have fresh spawn character on the other servers as well, is it the same character always? (same gear, position etc).

rolandx added a comment.EditedSep 26 2016, 4:43 PM

I'm afraid I don't know if the server had just restarted. However when I joined different servers following the wipe of my character, my new position and gear was the same between all of them.

Geez added a comment.Sep 26 2016, 5:18 PM

Hello rolandx.
If possible, could you provide us with the server name / ip and approximate time when the issue has occurred to u?

I logged out of the server DayZ NL 2-16 ( at around 4:15PM on September 25th and switched to either [GER] Pink Unicorns ( or Pink Fluffy Unicorns Community Server (

Seren added a subscriber: Seren.EditedSep 30 2016, 1:07 PM

heyho. i've had the same issue, too. last night it was the second incident. there are lots of issues in need for getting fixed. a lot! but that is stuff i can live with. but there this one thing that finally kills my mood to play the game: if u cant even be sure to keep your stuff in a regular way. i've had trouble with my new 75 rnd drum mag for the ak. spraypainted it. didnt change colours as supposed. then it disappeared. so i tried relogging. worked some 10 minutes earlier. but all of a sudden i am completely wiped. my stuff, which was actually as good as never before, just disappeared completely during relogging, while i was on the way to my hidden tent. and they even sell dayz sa now for almost 30€? with issues like this?! i was even advising friends to get the game, cuz i actually love it and wanna play with my buds. but with things like this, i wouldnt be a good friend, if i recommended it. anyways, i shall be satisfied at least a bit, if i was going to get my really rare and nice stuff back again. soo.... bistudiostaff, do your magic, please....
i am/was playing on the jägermeisterz server:
sys: win7, dayz sa ver: 0.60.133913
i am still in the same shed where it happened. (of course i quit playing instantly, cuz i was way too upset, asking myself what are the hours of playing worth if you just lose your stuff like that?) and it happened around 9pm yesterday (smthg between 8 and 10 but i think around 9)
my ingame name is Seren Sameach
(let me know, if there's further information required)

Seren added a comment.Sep 30 2016, 5:31 PM

is there anybody answering? :(
i'd love to play again, but i refuse to play, until this matter is solved. after all, i dont just wanna get my stuff back, but furthermore get some answer, if i may lose my stuff again. as i wrote: whats the reason in playing for hours, just too lose all your achievement in one simple relogging?

Seren added a comment.Oct 1 2016, 5:03 AM

i've had it with this game!
seriously.....all these bugs and glitches?! right now, 4:33 AM i've died. you wanna know how? after i eventually decided to just continue and try to get my gear back again, no thanks to the bistudio-team, from which nobody responded to my request at all, and after i finally got some nice gear again, i went to the pavlovo military base. climbed up a guard tower to shoot the zombies from a safe spot. but just when i took out my weapon and kneeled down for a steady aim, i just glitched through the guard railing, fell down and died. well, what a great experience. now i'm sitting down, asking myself, why the f*#!? i was playing dayz for the last 6 hours? what for? shouldnt i have spent my time more useful? i mean, i got no problem with sometimes intensively playing a video game. i like that. recreational time. but not if i can't achieve anything in this game. well, there's not really any mission or goal to achieve in this game. so people set themselves the goal of collecting a whatever they see it as best equipment. but how, i ask you, would be getting a car fixed, that after u finally got it running, just loves to get stuck anywhere or cant even take a 20% rise of the terrain, any fun to taking a ride with? how, i ask you, would be hunting some animals for getting their stuff and crafting some equipment, be any fun if they dont appear at all (alright, once i've seen a riddiculous large accumulation of animals of all kinds at one spot, just sitting there) or run across a field (deer) with warp 3? and speaking about accumulation: how may i craft a ghillie suit, if i either find no burlap sack at all, or ten in the same area, but e.g. no nettings in any boat along a big part of the coast (i#ve been walking and searching quite some time)? btw i play on a german pve server with a rather manageable amount of players, so the stuff definitely hasnt been completely looted by the other guys.
and what about all the glitches and bugs? seriously guys, that's it. i wont waste my precious time anymore with such a sh*#load what this game is! dont get me wrong....i honestly absolutely love the main concept of this game. environment, gameplay, graphics. it is just such a great idea for a video game (it is actually my favourite. even more than fallout or stalker) but with developers, who are obviously busy with i-dont-know-what and obviously not the most user-friendly online support, i will rather not waste anymore time with this unfortunate construction area. theres not even any freakin' way to save your stuff. i love a difficult but safe game. i wanna die because of my failure and not due to incapable developers and/or a not working game. if i die in a game, i want it to be my own fault!
well, good night then. it's a pitty. i was really looking forward to playing this game with some close friends of mine.
but as i stated earlier: i wouldnt be a good friend, if i recommended this game (more important: its actual status and its customers service)!

Geez added a comment.Oct 3 2016, 9:59 AM

Hello Seren.
If you are experiencing any issues with the game, please create a separate ticket per issue as the cause for the loss of your gear might be different from the poster of this ticket. As for the in game bugs, keep in mind that the game is still in alpha state and that many things in the game are still going to be worked upon, completely replaced or changed until the final release - if you encounter any in game issues, please report them to the feedback tracker as we may not be aware of them yet.

Geez changed the task status from Need More Info to Acknowledged.Oct 31 2016, 3:19 PM

I logged out of the server DayZ NL 2-16 ( at around 4:15PM on September 25th and switched to either [GER] Pink Unicorns ( or Pink Fluffy Unicorns Community Server (

Thank you.
We believe the issue has been caused by the server not being connected to the database while you were connecting. We are aware that such issue can occur and the issue is scheduled for a fix.