At the moment there exists an editor.sqs file in the default P-drive installation that can be used to execute some script commands like loading the new shapefile roads when previewing a terrain from Terrain Builder.
Legacy SQS syntax and undocumented behaviour of this editor.sqs makes it very hard to leverage the full potential of being able to execute code in buldozer. Thus I propose the following change:
A CfgFunctions extry is added/read from either buldozer.cfg or another (new) config file. As buldozer is basically a special instance of the A3 engine, there should be everything at hand to make functions parsed correctly.
With custom CfgFunctions entries (also with pre- and postInit) modders could write their own scripts to interact with buldozer. When supported by BI we could expect a broad range of handy scripts for smoothing terrain, dynamically spawning objects on new terrains, etc
This will definitly close the gap that the missing of visitorscript in TB caused and terrain processor not fully covered.