drawIcon3D does not work when using switchCamera with a custom camera.
When using cameraEffect instead of switchCamera it does work, but then i can not control the player anymore.
Is there a way around this limitation?
Here is the code i used to test this:
_cam = "camera" camCreate (position player); _cam attachTo [player, [0,0,40]]; _cam setVectorUp [0,0.99,0.01]; _cam cameraEffect ["Internal", "Back"]; //WORKS, but cannot control player //_cam switchCamera "Internal"; //DOES NOT WORK showCinemaBorder false; cameraEffectEnableHUD true; //showHUD false; _cam camCommit 0; addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D", { _pos1 = position player vectorAdd [5,5,2]; _pos2 = position player vectorAdd [-5,-5,2]; drawIcon3D ["", [1,1,1,1], _pos1, 0, 0, 0, "TEXT", 1, 0.2, "PuristaMedium"]; drawLine3D [_pos1, _pos2, [1,1,1,1]]; }];