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Flares form Flaregun are stackable Bug or not?
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Normaly when you find flares you cannot stack they, but when you load the flaregun eject the flare load another flare and eject this too so you have 2 in your inventory and you can stack they together.
Actually i have 5 flares together on one places in inventory.

Its a bug or must be so?


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

-Find a Flaregun
-Find 2 or more Flare
-Load Flaregun
-Eject (not used) Flare from Flaregun
-Load another new Flare
-Eject this too
-Now you have 2 Flare with an 1 as number in the lower right corner from flare
-Put 1 flare on the other an, do they together.
-Now you have 2 flare on one.
-I make it to an Stack wih 5 flares, i not find any more to this moment so i cannot try it more

Event Timeline

Kiruja edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Feb 12 2015, 2:41 PM
Kiruja set Category to category:weapons.
Kiruja set Reproducibility to Always.
Kiruja set Severity to None.
Kiruja set Resolution to Duplicate.
Kiruja set Legacy ID to 1031173208.May 8 2016, 9:28 PM

what happens when you load the whole stack in the gun and fire it? you you have 5 shots or just one...
just wondering

This happened to me today, too. But you don't have to do all of these steps mentioned above:
Just right-click on a flare and select "Eject" (yes, only on the bare flare). Now you have a stackable flare because now there's a number ("1") on the icon. The maximum amount of flares in one stack is 5.

Geez added a comment.Mar 16 2015, 12:14 PM

Hello Kiruja and thank you for the report.
This is caused by flares spawning on the server in their chambered state, right clicking and ejecting them turns them into the correct state in which they will be spawning upon fix. We are aware of the issue and it has been scheduled for a fix (#0022453).