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Melee combat with zombies causing map to open
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Repeated mouse clicks during melee combat causes map in quick slot to randomly open. (edit: noted that map did not have to be in quick slot for bug to occur)

Have found that during melee combat with a zombie the repeated clicks of the mouse button to swing melee weapon will inadvertently open the map (if Chernarus map is in your possession).

  1. Map has been in possession in all time this has occurred.

I have also found that other windows will occasionally pop up (such as menu window or inventory.

  1. Keyboard assignments are in default positions
  2. Melee weapon has been firemans axe. Also occurred using Cattle Prod
  3. After pushing esc or 0 to exit map and killing zombie. This has always resulted in ruined shirts/coats/jackets etc. and complete loss of items held within apparel.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Place map in quick slot 10. I also noticed that in each instance i recently had the map open prior to combat. (edit: During recent game did not open map prior to combat, nor did i have the map in the quick slot)
  1. enter combat with zombie
  1. repeatedly click mouse button to swing melee weapon
  1. Map will open blocking view of screen and allowing Zombie to enjoy survivor loonch complete with strawberry jam
Additional Information

I have noticed this apparent bug several times with the map and a few times with other windows (ie game menu or inventory) though i cant recall which.

Event Timeline

StephenHarper edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
StephenHarper set Category to Controls.
StephenHarper set Reproducibility to Sometimes.
StephenHarper set Severity to None.
StephenHarper set Resolution to Duplicate.
StephenHarper set Legacy ID to 3746072962.May 8 2016, 8:09 PM

Interesting. I always get this with hotbar item #3, not item #0

andy added a comment.Sep 29 2014, 12:51 PM

Hi Stephen Harper,
this seems to be a duplicate report of #16761, please refer to that ticket for further information.