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Running for an hour and the map just repeats itself
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was on the west side of the map. At the time I did not realize I was running west. I ran out onto some hills/mountains and now I am stuck out there. I managed to find water to my south. For a legitimate HOUR I was running with the water to my right and the terrain just keeps repeating itself over and over again.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

This is constant for 2 hours now.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Dubbs2u edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Sep 18 2014, 9:56 PM
Dubbs2u edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Dubbs2u set Category to category:environment.
Dubbs2u set Reproducibility to Always.
Dubbs2u set Severity to None.
Dubbs2u set Resolution to Fixed.
Dubbs2u set Legacy ID to 1999824554.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM

maybe write a ticket in player stuck section, they'll reset your character.
but honestly, what were you thinking when suddenly in a straight line all trees and grass stopped?
btw: i dont think any natural borders like high mountains would fit the area of chernarus, and coast at every side would make it an island, so there is not much that can be fixed about it and your threat is pointless...

Dubbs2u added a subscriber: Dubbs2u.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM

The grass never stopped. It looked like a large hilly field... When I turned around to go back from where I came from it was gone... The terrain that was there had turned into the hills that I was looking at previously.

P.S. I was thinking that escaping the zombies was my primary goal.. I had quite a few after me...

andy added a subscriber: andy.May 8 2016, 7:59 PM
andy added a comment.Sep 19 2014, 10:40 AM

sounds like you have run out of the map :). We should be able to change your position and return you to the actual playable area.
Please let us know if this happened on a Regular (1st/3rd person view) or Hardcore (only 1st person view) server.

Hi Dubbs2u,

I found your character in the database, and (as Andy mentions) he was wildly out of bounds. However I moved your character back to the playable area of the map so your problem should now be solved. However, in case you encounter any further problems, please feel free to open up a new issue in the Feedback Tracker.

