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- User Since
- Feb 3 2014, 10:58 PM (580 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
zielox edited Steps To Reproduce on T95868: Desync - Permament..
zielox set Category to category:structures on T94553: Zombie successfully attacked thought two stores of the building..
zielox set Category to category:balancing on T94551: Food don't feed you as expected..
zielox added a comment to T94492: Can't respawn -- "you are dead" on joining any server.
Did you tried to delete your "xxx.vars.DayZProfile" file ? It's located in your Documents files in DayZ subdirectory ... at least in Windows 7
Replace xxx with your ingame Nick.
zielox added a comment to T94431: Unable to use any item.
I have a new symptom - zombies does not react on me - just as if I would not be there. For a short period of time I was duplicated - I saw icon like on body and after using it I saw all my things.
zielox edited Steps To Reproduce on T94431: Unable to use any item.