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- User Since
- Mar 21 2014, 4:07 AM (571 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
yibbachester edited Steps To Reproduce on T78363: Loadout assignments with Unit init scripts cause all other units to lose all equipment when someone JIP.
yibbachester added a comment to T76390: Left rear view mirror shows right rear mirror image on the Tempest.
Edited for typo.
yibbachester edited Steps To Reproduce on T76390: Left rear view mirror shows right rear mirror image on the Tempest.
yibbachester added a comment to T76363: A-164 Cannon sound persists after done firing.
I know it shoots 10 round bursts. This is not the issue i am talking about. AFTER the gun stops shooting the sound still persists. It will go continuously (for minutes) until you fire the cannon again. No bullets are fired after the sound persists.
yibbachester edited Steps To Reproduce on T76363: A-164 Cannon sound persists after done firing.