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- User Since
- Jul 11 2014, 9:39 AM (558 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
yacobm8 added a comment to T80217: arma3server.exe crashes 3-5 minutes after being able to play ingame..
Hello iceman,
I have tried to run the mission without any mods just the altislife.altis.pbo (v3.1.4.8) and the same thing happens. Using tadst to launch the server. I have also included my log files again with this method labelled yacobm82
yacobm8 added a comment to T80217: arma3server.exe crashes 3-5 minutes after being able to play ingame..
thanks for the reply torndeco but the database for altis lifev3.1.8 doesn't contain any longtext datatypes. have a look yourself:
port: 3406
user: root
password: no password
yacobm8 edited Steps To Reproduce on T80217: arma3server.exe crashes 3-5 minutes after being able to play ingame..
yacobm8 added a comment to T77782: GUI Editor is broken.
to add to the fix given by BlenderRus just download his rar file and then add the file inside the addon folder into C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Arma 3\Addons and then you can use the gui editor again