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- Mar 4 2015, 5:48 PM (524 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
xrickx added a comment to T81363: VON doesn't work on Debian 7.
it appeared by me only in debian, ubuntu worked out of the box. Will use my brain and write suggestions later. Maybe others have Ideas .. GL so far ..
xrickx added a comment to T81363: VON doesn't work on Debian 7.
Dr. Rockso: brought changing OS success Or appears at you in ubuntu 14.10 too? if second is real, check dependencies and config as i cant confirm that. If it appears in Debian too, im happy not to be alone with it and sad for the issue :P so far, wait for update or buy coffee and change os. Gr rick
xrickx edited Steps To Reproduce on T81363: VON doesn't work on Debian 7.