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- User Since
- Dec 17 2013, 11:20 PM (588 w, 2 d)
May 10 2016
May 10 2016
xXJoJoXx set Category to category:characters on T87955: Dead Player Bodies Moving.
xXJoJoXx added a comment to T87832: Unable to change chat.
Having the same issue can only access 'Direct Communication' for chat. When pressing / to change channel, does nothing and stays on direct.
xXJoJoXx added a comment to T87606: Character teleport to a previous spot.
This just happened to me. Teleported somewhere else on map. Unable to do anything. Game frozen.
This happened to me again . Seems to only happen after running a fair distance without stopping without eating or drinking.
xXJoJoXx added a comment to T87439: Zombies Stand Still.
Having the same issue. They just stand there no response. Can just walk straight up to them and hit them with an axe
xXJoJoXx set Category to category:characters on T87267: 'You Are Unconcious' for a good length of time.
xXJoJoXx set Category to category:aibehavior on T87252: No Zombies in game.
xXJoJoXx added a comment to T86990: Body dissapear with shirt.
I have also had this happen when putting on gear taken from a dead player. My whole torso disappears. Im like hollow.