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User Since
Jun 22 2015, 3:18 PM (508 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Nov 8 2016

x1expert1x renamed T121076: Shooting arrows into bodys makes them Disappear [0.60 Stable] from Shooting arrows into bodys makes them Disappear to Shooting arrows into bodys makes them Disappear [0.60 Stable].
Nov 8 2016, 7:58 AM · DayZ
x1expert1x created T121076: Shooting arrows into bodys makes them Disappear [0.60 Stable].
Nov 8 2016, 7:56 AM · DayZ
x1expert1x added a watcher for DayZ: x1expert1x.
Nov 8 2016, 7:51 AM

May 11 2016

x1expert1x set Category to category:balancing on T112215: 300 round ammo box only holds 160 rounds.
May 11 2016, 6:18 AM · DayZ
x1expert1x added a comment to T112199: [CRITICAL] Firing a weapon sometimes gets only registered on the client side, making it look like the bullets do not work.

I unloaded an entire ak74 magazine into a guy 25 meters away... He didn't die, I was freaking out because I know I hit him I saw blood splatter or maybe I thought the damage on the ak was completely nerfed, but then I slowly started firing shot by shot and finally he died.

May 11 2016, 6:17 AM · DayZ
x1expert1x set Category to category:weapons on T112183: 75 round drum mag weights 77 kg.
May 11 2016, 6:17 AM · DayZ
x1expert1x set Category to category:weapons on T112182: Cannot attack Kashtan scope to ak74u.
May 11 2016, 6:17 AM · DayZ
x1expert1x edited Steps To Reproduce on T112172: Items falling through school floor / items spawn above the school building.
May 11 2016, 6:16 AM · DayZ
x1expert1x set Category to category:structures on T112171: new elektro school huge FPS toll.
May 11 2016, 6:16 AM · DayZ