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- Dec 4 2014, 11:02 AM (535 w, 6 d)
May 11 2016
May 11 2016
windz added a comment to T105888: No Servers loading, cant fix!.
I finally fix it, Basically you need to enable it with ur firewall, it could be the windows firewall or your antivirus. Hopefully this wont happen again thanks for all the help :)
windz added a comment to T105888: No Servers loading, cant fix!.
Thank you for the feedback, I did verify the integrity and it didnt do anything, i was thinking of reinstalling the game tonight and i will tell you how that goes :)
Update, I have reinstalled the whole game and it still is a issue I have no idea how to fix this ive tried everything if anyone could help me that would be great
Oh and my steam ID is: STEAM_0:0:53771352
windz edited Steps To Reproduce on T105888: No Servers loading, cant fix!.